Submission Details

Please, familiarize yourself with the genres we are looking for and word-limit criteria for each of them. The submission deadline is the 1st of December, 2024, 23:59. More than one work can be submitted by one person. Each work must be submitted as a separate file. Submit your work by sending it to the email:

In your letter, please, indicate your full name, faculty, study program, cycle, year, and your prefered pronouns (if you want them to be indicated next to your name in a publication).

Only texts written in English are accepted.

Please, follow the Harvard style citation.


Creative writing:

· Poems – up to 500 words

· Short stories or excerpts from prose fiction – up to 2000 words

Non-fiction writing:

· Literary or stylistic analysis essays – up to 2000 words

· Essays focusing on literature, philosophy, history, or culture – up to 2000 words


· Translation of a poem or an excerpt from a dramatic text written in verse – up to 500 words

Translations can be made from Lithuanian to English, English to Lithuanian, or Ukrainian to English. When submitting a translation, please submit an original text as well.

Visual arts:

· An illustration of a poem, a scene from a short story, a novel, or a dramatic text

· An illustration of your creative writing that you are submitting

Important! Plagiarism is a theft of intellectual property and is strictly forbidden. Should we find any form of plagiarism in one's work, this work as well as any other work submitted by this person to Discourse will not be published.

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